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The Wilderness of Pain

The Wilderness of Pain : An Experimentation with a 360-degree Environment I n collaboration with Gabrielius Bubnelis, we created a 360-degree VR environment, where the viewer gets immersed in a space filled with the anatomy of the human body, such as the lower back and pelvis. The desert-like space was assembled by combining 3D assets created using the photogrammetry method, which analyses photos of a real-life object to create a highly accurate 3D model. The floating bone structures and a web of neural networks are a representation of a mind constantly occupied with the thoughts and imageries of chronic pain. When the pain is consistent, the mind can't help but interact with the sensation. It results in a busy and sometimes overwhelmed consciousness, occupied with persistent thought, imagining, visualising, and tracing the pain. The inspiration behind this work was my experience of living with chronic pain. Specifically, the awareness of how occupying it can be and how when my bod

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