Creation of The Geometry of Pain

The Geometry of Pain

In this piece, I played with the contrast between the mocap of the most painful bodily positions, and a positive and playful environment. It was my way of expressing how chronic pain can hide behind a capable body, that appears to have no hardship in movement on the surface, yet in truth, suffers in every motion.

Movement Generation

The first thing I did was an exploration of my movement. I looked at how pain affects my body and in which positions the sensation strikes the hardest. Then, I build o sequence of movements that triggered my low back pain the most. It consisted of positions such as twisting, plie, arching back, arabesque and leg rises.

Motion Capture

It took a few sessions to figure out the best angle and distance for the camera to have the most precise motion capture. As the positions of the movement sequence were quite complex, the camera was not able to process it correctly, therefore resulting in a need to manually readjust and fix it. Below I provided a visual insight into how the process went.

Working with Ipi Recorder

Adjusting the skeleton
